I had been looking for a while about getting my blog published into a book. I would look and then not be sure if it was worth the money or not. Well a fellow blogger, Katy at
County Blossom, shared her book published from her blog. If you have never visited her blog, you should! So, I made the decision to order one done of mine and I placed the order on July 5, 2010. My husband announced this morning that I had a book in the mail and I thought it was a Miss Julia book that I had ordered. He opened it up and yelled that it was my blog book--boy was that fast! If you are interested in publishing your creativity, go to
Blog2Print and check it out!
The cover of the book is basically what you see first as you visit my blog.

Our son is the person that encouraged me to start a blog. He had helped me around 1997 to get started with the computer and I develped a website on Geocities with the same title, Marie's Home and Hobbies. Geocities was ending their free websites last year, so with the help of my son, while he was home from CA on vacation, I began this blog. Below is the dedication to him in the book.

Below are a couple of pages from the book to give you an idea of what to expect. I had mine done to inclue all comments because they meant so much to me.

Above, show some of my husband's wonderful flowers. Below is a trip we took to Mt Airy and Mayberry during the Fall when the leaves were at their peak.

Good Luck with your book if you decide to do it. It was a bit pricy doing it hardback, but I think it is worth it.
That's exciting - congrats to the new author!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful, Marie! I have been wanting to get my blog printed in book form. I will have to look into this. Thanks for the inspiration!
Marie that is wonderful. I am glad that you decided to go book form with your blog.
ReplyDeleteI want to say Congrats to you.
I sure do enjoy coming here and reading your blog.
Hi Marie!
ReplyDeleteFirt, CONGRATULATIONS on your book! I am sure it bring you and your family years of enjoyment.
Second, THANK YOU for stopping by my blog today. I always find it such a blessing when visitors stop by. I hope your family enjoys the fig cake recipe as much as mine does.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. How interesting on your blog book and congratulations for doing it. My husband is backing up all my blog on disc so my children and grandchildren will have it after I am gone.
ReplyDeleteSo exciting to hear you are going to start the prayer shawls in your church. It is such a blessing both to us who make them and to those who receive them.
Hope you will visit often. I'm adding you to my favorites.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for stopping by and visiting my blog today!
Congratulation's on your Blog Book! It does look like it'd be well worth having! Such a wonderful book for recapturing beautiful memories!
Have a great evening!
I didn't even you could have that done! That's very cool Marie. You've changed your background since I've been here too. I like. BTW, a couple years ago I had a book author send me an autographed copy of her book. I'm just sayin'. LOL
ReplyDeleteHow neat!! I've often thought of doing this so I can have it for our grandbabies to read as I have highlighted their births and special days as a family. Thanks for sharing!!
ReplyDeleteMorning Marie! I'm so glad you stopped by for a visit!! I can see why you wanted to have a book made up - a great idea and everything looks fantastic in book form!! When my daughter was in 6th grade they had them write their favorite Thanksgiving memory and had each child's published in book form along with their art; It is something I cherish and will never ever part with; her story had the whole room in tears as the kids read it out loud! Thanks for bringing back that good memory with this post! I love the wreath you made with Walmart fabric; I wish we still had fabric in our local walmart; I was their best customer!! I must say I am in awe of the bedspread your great great grandma made - mine made tablecloths and the needlework the ladies of their generation did is absolutely outstanding - I don't have the patience for projects that large!lol Well I enjoyed my visit and I'll be back again. Have a great weekend - Sincerely, Jeannette
ReplyDeleteThat is such a nice book. I had my blog made into a book for the last 2 years and I really like having them! Thank you for visiting my blog:) Have a blessed day!
ReplyDeleteThat is sooo cool! I have been wanting to have some of my children's short stories published but haven't yet had any luck. I've had nice comments but I think I need to find the right niche.
ReplyDeleteRight now I have a short story and a poem entered into a contest in our county. I'll see how they do in a few weeks....
SSHHH!! You're the only one who knows I entered them! It's not a big contest but it's fun!
Fantastic!!! So glad you received yours! I am sure you will love yours as much as I love mine!!! :)
ReplyDeleteWow, that is so nice!!!! I may have to try it! Thank you for your sweet comment Marie,
ReplyDeleteGod bless your day! Sharon
What a wonderful idea and a beautiful book, too. This is something to think about with my own blog. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Have a great weekend.