This little pitcher is filled with zinnias that I planted from seed that Gretchen at Bird House Cottage shared with me. I call them "cut and come" because the more you cut them, the more blooms you will have. The butterflies really do enjoy them too.

I hope you can see the butterfly. They love this butterfly bush as much as they do the zinnia.
This is a knitted blanket and a couple of receiving blankets with crochet edge that I made for a couples first baby.
I knitted this little cap-sleeve sweaters for a couple of special little girls.
This set and bib was done for our daughter-in-law's brother and his wife. They are expecting their first baby, a girl, and wanted the set done in this pale lavender. There is more knitting to do but I am not able to get out right now. I fell on Sunday a week ago and all the weight went on my right knee. I am much better but think it is going to just take time and patience. At least I did not break a bone--I found out there is something as hard as my head. Ha!