Angeline knitted six of these bedspreads, one for each of her children. This was done sometime between 1855 when she was married and 1908 at her death. She knitted it in squares and joined them. The yarn was spun by her, most likely. This was probably done by lamp or candle light.
This view of the spread shows the crochet border that was added to the knitted spread. We do not know who did that but it is beautiful.
This is my sister, the great-great granddaughter of Angeline, holding the bedspread.
This is my kitchen table finished. My mother walked .7 of a mile every morning. The year before she died, as she took her daily walk, she left one of the five bunnies in the yard by a bunny that I had on display. She did this as a surprise for me. The eggs on the tree are crochet and also the eggs in the grass.
These decorations are on a bookcase that I inherited at my mother's death.
This is the decoration in the center of the den bay window.
This is not a clear picture but it is done in pastel color with rabbits on every tier. I don't have candles, but then I never would light them.
Cross stitch eggs are hanging in the side window of our bay in the den.
This is a combination of cross stitch and hardanger and I have it on the fridge door.
I am sorry that the above picture it out of focus. I have these cross stitch pieces done for each month.
Cross stitch piece that I placed in a wooden hoop, added lace and ribbon. This is hanging on our back door.
We had a beautiful day on Monday and the weatherman was predicting no more than a dusting of snow for us on Tuesday. The snow was to fall much further south. It started a light snow around lunch time and it kept coming into the night. This was such a beautiful snow and the roads did not get that bad right around us. The schools were closed on Wednesday but I really thought they could have just started classes a couple of hours late. While the snow was falling, I was working on some Easter crafts. I made the little rabbit from a wash cloth and a bar of soap. I printed out a couple vintage cards and crocheted an edge around them. I enjoy making and sharing crafts with my friends. Love, Marie