Saturday, June 26, 2010

Peach Dessert

North Carolina peaches are in! My sister took us to the Farmer's Market last weekend and we bought our first peaches of the year. Below is a
recipe that a friend shared with me.

3 cups sliced peaches
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup sifted plain flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 beaten egg
6 tablespoons of melted butter
Place sliced peaches in a deep-dish pie plate and sprinkle with lemon juice.
Mix dry ingredients and then stir in beaten egg until crumbly. Sprinkle this mixture
over the peaches and then top with melted butter. Bake at 350 for 35 to 40 minutes.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hooray for the Red, White, and Blue!

I made this to hang on the wall on our front porch. The base is a 14-inch diameter green Styrofoam wreath. I purchased 1/2 yard of red, white, and blue $2 per yard fabric from Wal-Mart. I used my rotary cutter and cut the fabric into 3-inch squares. I gathered up each square around a size 7 steel crochet hook using the blunt end and pushed it into the wreath. You can use a small screwdriver. The directions said to use glue, but I did not find it necessary. I made the bow using left-over fabric.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Flowers from the Past

Before my husband's MS became as bad as it is today, his joy was working in his garden and flowers. I wanted to share some novel ways he grew his flowers.

We were riding along a county road and I spied this bed. There was a sign that said to take it if you wanted it. I had my husband turn around and get it. He put it in the garden and each year I had my "flower bed". I used different flowers trying to make it look like a quilt. The picture to the left was planted with two different shades of pink petunias.

The bed to the right was done with yellow marigolds and purple ageratum.

The bed to the left was planted with red and white salvia, yellow marigolds, and purple ageratum.

Below are two different years of the rocker being decorated. I found this rocker in my grandaddy's garage

The chair to the right was also found in my granddaddy's garage. The woven bottom was already gone which left the hole for the planter.

I collect birdhouses. My husband painted an old ladder and placed some of my collection on the ladder along with some potted plants

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dresses for girls in Haiti Orphanage...

I was surfing blogs shortly after the earthquake in Haiti and came across a blog that was requesting pillowcases or women to make pillowcase dresses. These dresses were to be made and would be taken to Haiti by people going there on mission trips. I mentioned it to my friend, Naydine, and before I knew it, her line dance group took up the cause. The dancers collected pillow cases and all the notions that it would take to make them. These ladies met at the local art center on Fridays and worked from early morning until around four in the afternoon. There was a community spirit from people offering them food on the days they sewed, money for notions they needed, and postage to mail the boxes of finished dresses. Between the Princess Project and New Directions International, they funished over three hundred dresses. Another church requested some for their mission work in Guatamala and they were given 122. The group is continuing to make dresses. There were cotton panties also donated to go with the dresses.
Above are pictures of some of the little girls as they received their dresses that a group from New Directions International took over a few weeks ago. Most of the little girls are holding their dresses up in front of them. Aren't they so cute with their dresses and snazzy glasses!!!!!!!!! There is also a picture of Naydine with some of the dresses.